But every character without at least one 400ms attack or a 50 / 50 unblockable situation is not viable in 1v1s anymore. I got my 1600 hours into For Honor since launch and Nobu is my most played character anyway, in teamfights she can still shine. If your kick hits against another bash like wardens, conqs, Highlanders or Cents kick she loses. The tracking of Nobus kick is worse than similar bashes. But now every second character gets hyperarmor on their heavies, to there´s no possibility trade, your health is lower than most characters anyway though. You could apply bleed with your viper´s retreat which worked pretty good 2 years ago. Because if you don´t zerk will just do it again, his regen is faster than yours because of the hidden stance delay.Ī kick you can dodge from in every direction? A 500 ms light many people parry with their eyes closed by now 3 years after launch? Maybe a heavy feint into GB which won´t work because the heavy is not unblockable and does 6 dmg when blocked? For those worried that an Aztec hero wouldnt have any good fashion, dont worry. It's also really back against some heavy hitters/cc chainers. For example It has zero unblockables, so anyone with decent reaction and not using m&k can block almost all your attacks. If they force you into hidden stance 2 times (which you received 2 lights for in worst scenario anyway) in a row you might have enough stamina left for 3 offensive moves and your stamina regen is paused so make your choice which way to hit him with your mighty offense before going out of stamina. Nobushi is very good but has a lot of weaknesses many people don't know about. So ppl just feint heavies, attack you with 400 ms lights in a row or get you into 50 / 50 situations you will also lose because they can feint their heavies and punish you with a 400 ms light after which is faster than everything you can counter with but still comes right after your invincibility frames. In every other situation nothing is confirmed and you are vulnerable. Only if you dodge a heavy / some bashes you might get a confirmed kick or light / bleed afterwards. Well you don´t get hit if you time it correctly, I do get that and it´s great. The elegant Nobushi is a female-only character in For Honor. In terms of armor, she favors leather and cloth, allowing for fluid movement. She excels at zone control, using her naginata, a long weapon with a wooden shaft and curved blade. You do get that hidden stance counters everything in the game that isn't an undodgeable done at the perfect timing, right? The Nobushi is a Hybrid hero belonging to the Samurai faction.

Compare it with raider this season and you will see a gap that can´t be closed any time soon. Nothing surprising in her kit, no 50 / 50s, no unblockables, her kick is easy to dodge in almost every situation, no 400 ms lights like every other hero has nowadays. TheGamingRaptor 5.21K subscribers Subscribe 25K views 8 months ago For Honor Nobushi guide 2022 Had a great time making this guide and yes in the duels I do get a bit salty and just chil For. Originally posted by Liquid Dynamite:Rep 70 Nobushi here, she´s too weak over all, you only get people off guard sometimes because they only face her once a week or never seen her in their lifetime.